The Luminaries Part 4, Chapter 7 Summary

Combust (27 April 1865)

  • We're back in 1865. On that day, while Anna was entertaining Crosbie (without realizing Crosbie was Lydia's hubs), Lydia was at the Hawthorn Hotel doing a natal chart for a boy named "Edward."
  • Carver then arrived, and she had Edward go fetch a pie for her so she could talk to Francis alone. They discussed Lauderback and the fact that he'd clearly gotten the news that certain shipments had been made under his name. He was coming to Dunedin on May 12th. They formulated a plan to get Lauderback alone when he arrived.
  • They also discussed Crosbie.
  • Lydia left, and then Edward and Carver chatted for a bit. Edward admitted he had given a false name for getting the fortune—his name was actually Emery Staines.