Teresa Timeline & Summary


Teresa Timeline & Summary

  • Teresa is found in the Box the day after Thomas's arrival, but everyone thinks she's dead.
  • Alby and Newt pull her up into the Glade and she suddenly sits straight up, whispers that everything is going to change, and then passes into a coma.
  • She spends a day or two under constant guard in the Homestead, mumbling about Thomas and generally freaking the boys out.
  • When Thomas goes to her, she speaks to him telepathically and tells him that they were the ones who did this to the other boys, and that she triggered the Ending.
  • She wakes up and remembers that the Maze is a code. She also writes WICKED is good on her arm, but can't remember why.
  • For all of her efforts, Teresa gets thrown in the Slammer. It gives her plenty of time to think about the code and the Maze though, so when Thomas comes to release her they demand to review the Maps.
  • While Thomas and Minho are running around in the Maze, Teresa leads a team of boys at deciphering the code.
  • Once they put the escape plan into action, Teresa is the first one into the Griever Hole and is the person who punches the code into the computer.
  • Back in the real world she is separated from the boys for sleeping quarters, but reassures Thomas in his head.