The Quiet American Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was a superstition among them that a lover who smoked would always return, even from France. A man's sexual capacity might be injured by smoking, but they would always prefer a faithful to a potent lover. (1.1.28)

Fowler seems to share this preference. He wants somebody to be with him as he lives out the remaining years of his life. He loved Phuong for what she can give him, not for who she is.

Quote #2

I said, 'She's got a date every night.' (

Fowler feels the need to make sure prospective rival lovers know that Phuong is with him, permanently. To him, death might be the only permanent thing, but he sure wants a few other things in his life to have that same status.

Quote #3

'You can have her interests. I only want her body. I want her in bed with me. I'd rather ruin her and sleep with her than, than … look after her damned interests.' (

The love Fowler has for Phuong appears more as self-love than anything. He's not interested in what's good for her or in her future. This Fowler guy sounds like a real charmer, doesn't he?