The Red Pony Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Nearly all of his father's presents were given with reservations which hampered their value somewhat. It was good discipline. (1.21)

At this point, Jody knows he's getting a present, but he has no clue that it's a full-on pony. A pony. One thing he knows for sure is that any gift given him by his old man is going to have many life lessons attached.

Quote #2

Jody was glad when they had gone. He took brush and currycomb from the wall, took down the barrier of the box stall and stepped cautiously in. (1.58)

At first, Jody was super amped to show his pony off but after a short while, he just wanted them gone so he could get back to the business of caring for Gabilan. In a quick scene, Jody shows us he can bounce from immature braggart to mature caretaker with lightning speed.

Quote #3

Billy lifted the weak head and made a quick slash with the knife. Jody saw the yellow pus run out. (1.153)

As he's witnessing this, Jody does not throw up or pass out or cry. It's a tough scene to take in but if he can do it, maybe that means he's more of a man than we thought. Shmoop would be cry-barfing in the corner.