The Red Pyramid Chapter 24 Summary

How It All Goes Down

I Blow Up Some Blue Suede Shoes

  • Carter and Sadie see a large estate. It has fancy metal gates with guitars and music notes on them.
  • Carter recognizes it: it's Graceland, Elvis Presley's home. The tomb of a great magician, indeed.
  • As they walk up, Carter tells Sadie that their dad took him here once, insisting that Elvis was musically important. Sadie realizes that she's a bit jealous: their dad never took her anywhere.
  • Before Carter and Sadie walk inside, they see two magicians with wands coming up the driveway. The kids dart inside and try to hide.
  • Carter and Sadie split up, but Carter is turned into a lizard almost immediately. Sadie puts him in her pocket and keeps looking. She ends up in the trophy room but can't find anything that seems magical. Then she realizes that the magicians have her surrounded.
  • Isis offers to take over and blast their enemies into dust, but Sadie refuses. She remembers Zia saying that magicians use whatever they have on hand, so she makes the darkness in the room even darker.
  • The two magicians stumble around and curse because they can't see. As they talk to each other, they call each other by name: Jerrod and Wayne. Very classy.
  • Sadie then notices the glass displays full of Elvis's suits and calls on them to defend their house. The suits get up and start beating on the magicians. It's a bit like substitutiary locomotion, right?
  • Sadie makes her way outside to Elvis's tomb, but one of the magicians follows her. They duel. Sadie manages to tap into Isis's power. She knocks down the magician, only to have the other magician (the one in the cowboy hat) show up and force her staff out of her hand.
  • Isis quickly suggests that Sadie use rope, since every magician carries it. Sadie grabs the rope from her bag, and it twines around his whole body, immobilizing him.
  • Even though Isis urges Sadie to finish him off, Sadie simply tells the magician to be silent.
  • Sadie manages to transform Carter back into his human self. Carter points to the magicians and asks how she managed to do it. "It" turns out to mean turning the magicians into clay.
  • Carter figures out that the magicians are both shabti, clay servants, who'd been enchanted to look and act human. Little orbs of fire emerge from their mouths. Guess what? Thoth had been testing them.
  • Sadie and Carter find an ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life, on the tomb. That must be what they were sent to get. Attached to it is a scroll showing a cat holding a knife and slicing off a serpent's head.
  • The serpent is Apophis, the embodiment of the chaos and evil that could devour the sun and end the world. The Cat of Ra was supposed to be able to kill it, but the cat would have to kill it over and over again, since the gods repeat things in patterns.
  • Sadie and Carter realize that the Cat of Ra is… Bast.
  • Right then, a portal appears, and they return to talk to Thoth.