The Rights of Woman Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Rights of Woman? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's the form of the poem?

Ballad meter
a Shakespearean Sonnet
Sicilian quatrains
Free verse
Q. What's the rhyme scheme of the poem?

Q. What's an "eye rhyme"?

Words that rhyme with "eye"
A pair of words that look like they should rhyme, but don't.
A pair of words that rhyme perfectly.
An ocular condition that you should see a doctor about.
Q. What's the meter of the poem?

iambic pentameter
dactylic hexameter
iambic tetrameter
trochaic dimeter
Q. What's a trochaic inversion?

a really advanced yoga pose
a quatrain written in trochaic pentameter
a trochee (backwards iamb) in an otherwise iambic poem.
blank verse