The Secret Life of Bees Chapter 5 Summary

  • Lily describes how life at the pink house continued from there. August helped Rosaleen get some new clothes, and May attended to Rosaleen's wounds.
  • Lily also goes into a lot of detail about honey and its enormous role in daily life among the Boatwright sisters. She also describes the stuff she learned working with the bees/in the honey house.
  • June remained disgruntled that August was allowing Rosaleen and Lily to stay. Lily overheard a conversation between the two sisters on that topic, during which they both acknowledged that Lily was lying about something. August insisted on continuing to try to help Lily, which angered June.
  • Lily also describes the daily news-watching and prayer routines that took place in the Boatwright house.
  • Then, she details learning how to deal with the actual bees out in the hives.
  • After her instructional with the hives, Lily asked August about May's wall and learned about its origins/purpose for May.
  • Returning to the honey house after her long talk with August, Lily found that Rosaleen was growing jealous of all the time Lily and August had been spending together. So, Lily tried to set her mind at ease.