The Silver Chair Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Silver Chair? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Evil creatures in The Silver Chair:

are easily identifiable by their ugliness.
use doublespeak to hide their intentions.
offer sweeties to lure vulnerable children.
speak with a sinister English accent.
Q. Lewis connects friendship to other virtues, especially:

loyalty and truthfulness.
beauty and kindness.
strength and justice.
intelligence and wit.
Q. Enchantments and transformations generally signal:

a very learned character.
a character of a whole different species.
some very questionable intentions.
answers two and three.
Q. The idea of awe in The Silver Chair encompasses two very different emotional responses. They are:

dread and wonder.
kindness and selfishness.
happiness and despair.
disgust and delight.
Q. According to Puddleglum and Rilian, mortality is:

something to be embraced wholeheartedly.
something to be avoided at all costs.
the last possible consideration when working for Aslan.
a really terrible topic for conversation.