The Spectacular Now Chapter 12 Summary

  • Sutter and Ricky are sitting on the hood of the car, in a parking lot, downtown, at 2 pm on a Friday.
  • Nice.
  • Sutter's drinking, but Ricky says it's too early in the day.
  • Unfortunately for Sutter, he's got to go over to his sister's tonight, and he totally hates going over there.
  • Ricky can't come along to make it bearable, though. He's got a date with Bethany!!!
  • Why doesn't Sutter take this girl named Whitney, like he said he was going to?
  • Well, see, Whitney turned him down, telling him he was just a shallow party animal.
  • Ricky tells him he should ask Tara – then they could double date all the time.
  • Eh. Sutter doesn't want to give Cassidy the satisfaction of thinking she was right about him and Tara the night she broke up with him.
  • Ricky thinks it's weird she's dating Marcus, who's a big jock. Normally Cassidy makes fun of jocks.
  • But Sutter reminds him she's a political activist, and Marcus is really into volunteering.
  • Ricky gives Sutter a joint to take with him to help him get through the evening.