Bill Gorton Timeline and Summary


Bill Gorton Timeline and Summary

  • Bill meets Jake in Paris after returning from a trip to Vienna and Prague. They plan a trip to Spain to go fishing. Jake and Bill head out for drinks and they run into Brett, just home from her trip. She joins them briefly before going home to bathe.
  • Bill and Jake head for Spain by train. Bill makes some very un-PC jokes, revealing his abrasive side. They meet Cohn at the station.
  • Jake, Bill, and Cohn drive to Bayonne, where they’re stopping on the way to Burguete where they intend to fish.
  • The following morning, once Bill and Jake have arrived in Burguete, they hike up to the Irati River to fish for trout. They drink lots of wine and have a pleasant time. They stay in Burguete for about a week and in the evenings hang out with a hilariously awesome British guy named Harris.
  • Jake, Brett, and Cohn check out the bulls while Mike and Bill hang out at a café.
  • Mike and Bill have been doing some hardcore partying and chasing after women. They run into Edna, a friend of Bill’s from Biarritz.
  • Bill, Edna, and Mike get thrown out of a bar because of Mike’s bad credit.
  • Bill attends the final bull-fight with Brett and Jake. Afterwards, Bill and Jake go drink absinthe. They’re both exhausted.
  • Bill, Mike, and Jake have one last drink, then part ways. Bill returns to Paris, en route to New York.