Lady Brett Ashley Timeline and Summary


Lady Brett Ashley Timeline and Summary

  • Brett shows up and sees the gang at one of their usual cafés.
  • She leaves with Jake and tells him that she’s miserable.
  • On the way to Café Select, she and Jake discuss their thwarted relationship.
  • At the café she schmoozes with the count and the duke.
  • After Jake goes home, she kicks it with the count. She gets completely trashed and around 4am shows up at Jake’s apartment since she feels like chatting with him. She ends up arguing with the concierge, who is skeptical about letting her up to see Jake.
  • Jakes hears her and lets her inside. They talk briefly, then she leaves to go to breakfast with the count.
  • Brett and the count drop by Jake’s apartment to see him, but he’s not home. They tell the concierge (on whom Brett now makes a much better impression) that they’ll be back in an hour and to give Jake the message.
  • Brett and the count return. Jake is sad, so Brett sends the count for some champagne while she comforts him. They talk about their love for one another, but agree again that it won’t work out.
  • The trio goes out for dinner and dancing. They have fun, but Brett’s mood changes for the worse. She has Jake take her home and informs him that she’s leaving town the following day.
  • Brett returns from her trip and has drinks with Jake and Bill. She goes back to her hotel to bathe.
  • Later that night she heads to a café for drinks with Mike, who has joined her in Paris. They briefly see Bill and Jake before Brett leaves to take Mike, who is very drunk, home.
  • Brett and Mike decide to go with Bill and Cohn fishing and then to Pamplona.
  • Brett tells Jake that she’s been in San Sebastian with Cohn, not Mike. She’s worried Cohn will freak out on the trip to Pamplona, since Mike will be there and she doesn’t want their affair to continue.
  • Brett, Mike, and Cohn arrive in Pamplona. Jake, Brett, and Cohn check out the bulls while Mike and Bill hang out at a café.
  • That night everyone parties hard. The following day the gang heads out to watch the first bull-fight. Brett doesn’t mind the gore and actually kind of likes it. Brett thinks Romero is sexy and seems entranced. She’s particularly into his pants.
  • A few days later, Jake introduces Brett to Romero at a café. They flirt – we see Brett in full-blown seductive action. Man, is she good.
  • Brett complains to Jake about Cohn over coffee. She announces that she’s in love with Romero and begs Jake to help her find and hook up with him. Jake agrees.
  • Brett hooks up with Romero.
  • That night, Cohn shows up and beats up Romero. Brett tells Cohn off and cares for Romero.
  • That afternoon, Brett goes with Jake and Bill to watch the final bull-fight. Romero sends his cape and the bloody ear of a bull he kills up into the stands for her. She is infatuated. After the fight, she leaves Pamplona with Romero.
  • Brett ditches Romero in Madrid and contacts Jake. She’s very upset.
  • Brett tells Jake about her experience with Romero. She wistfully muses about the idea that she and Jake could have been good together, but he reminds her that it’s an impossible dream.