Frodo (Elijah Wood)’s Timeline and Summary

Frodo (Elijah Wood)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Journey through the rough hills of Emyn Muil, Frodo and Sam are lost.
  • They're also being followed by Gollum. Pretending to be asleep they capture him and tie him up to drag along with them.
  • When they learn Gollum knows the way to Mordor, they agree to let him free on the condition that he leads them to the Black gate.
  • They make it out of Emyn Muil and into the Dead Marshes, where Frodo takes a tumble in the water and Gollum has to pull him out.
  • When they finally reach the Black Gate, Gollum won't let them continue; he's too afraid they'll be caught.
  • Instead he tells them of another way, but before they can make it, they're found by Faramir and his Gondorian rangers.
  • Gollum initially evades capture but is found later fishing in a sacred pool. Frodo coaxes him out of the pool to save his life, but Gollum is capture and beaten by the rangers, losing all trust in Frodo.
  • Faramir learns the hobbits have the One Ring and decides to take them to his father. But first he takes them to Osgiliath, which is under attack.
  • During the battle, Frodo almost hands the Ring to a Nazgûl. Sam tackles him to the ground and Frodo, overcome by the will of the Ring, almost cuts his throat with Sting.
  • Faramir, learning of the Ring's true power and what it did to his brother, decides to let the hobbits go.
  • Gollum continues to lead them on a secret path towards Mordor, but is no longer their ally. He plans to have "her" kill them so he can take back his "precious."