Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey)’s Timeline and Summary

Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey)’s Timeline and Summary

  • After surviving a shoot-out at the Port of Los Angeles, Verbal receives immunity in exchange for telling his story to a court.
  • Verbal testifies that he and four other criminals were hustled into a police lineup, suspected in the hijacking and robbery of a truck.
  • But U.S. Customs Special Agent David Kujan still wants to talk to Verbal, suspecting there's more to the truth. During a long interrogation session, Verbal tells his story…
  • In this unreliable tale, Verbal and the other criminals decide to get revenge and pull off a heist, robbing corrupt cops and an emerald smuggler.
  • They journey to L.A. to sell the stolen jewels, and get roped into committing another robbery by their connection, Redfoot. Verbal helps out, and ends up shooting Saul Berg, the dealer when things take a violent turn.
  • It turns out they were hired to rob drugs, not jewels, and that a shady lawyer named Kobayashi arranged the theft.
  • Kobayashi contacts them, telling Verbal and the others that they've been led down this rabbit hole and the behest of a semi-mythical super-criminal, Keyser Söze. They need to rob a group of Argentinean drug dealers at a port for Söze, a risky proposition.
  • When their relatives' lives are threatened—and one of the criminals, Fenster, bails on the deal and gets killed in retaliation—they all agree to go along with the deal and attack the ship.
  • But things go wrong—Söze himself shows up and starts killing the criminals once they've eliminated the Argentinean and Hungarian gangsters. Verbal says that he observes Söze shooting Dean Keaton from a hiding place behind a bunch of rope and some crates.
  • Kujan forces Verbal to admit that Keaton—the most dangerous of the four other criminals—actually was the one who urged them to commit all these crimes in the first place, and casts doubt on whether Verbal really saw Keaton die.
  • After Verbal leaves the police station, Kujan realizes Verbal made up parts of the story from the bulletin board in the office where the interrogation was conducted.
  • Verbal sheds his limp as he walks away, and a fax of a sketch of Keyser Söze that arrives at the office indicates that Verbal really was…Keyser Söze.