The Three Sisters Act II Summary

  • We're still in the living room of the Prozorov home, but we've fast-forwarded to a couple of years later.
  • It's wintertime.
  • Natasha comes in; she's married to Andrey now and they have a baby, Bobik. Yeah, it's a weird-sounding name in Russian too.
  • We find out that the sisters had invited some carnival people to come over, but Natasha's concerned that this will be bad for baby Bobik. She convinces Andrey to take back the invitation. She's also working to take over Irina's room for her son.
  • In case we didn't already know from the bad belt, Natasha isn't very likable.
  • Old man Ferapont comes in with some papers for Andrey to sign. The guy's very deaf, and Andrey takes the opportunity to spill out his problems to someone who really can't listen.
  • Basically, Andrey doesn't connect with his wife and would love to be in Moscow sitting in a bar instead.
  • Masha enters with Vershinin. They are having a quiet, intimate conversation about her husband, his wife, and the town.
  • Vershinin tells Masha he loves her.
  • Tuzenbach enters with Irina. He's still plying her to marry him, but she's too tired to talk about it. She's been working at the telegraph office and not enjoying it. So much for her daydreams about the joys of the working world.
  • Talk turns to Andrey's gambling. He's lost a lot of money.
  • Chebutykin enters. The girls mention that he hasn't paid his rent. They don't seem too bothered by it, but it's still worth a mention.
  • Tuzenbach and Vershinin have a conversation about the future. Vershinin thinks that things will markedly improve, while Tuzenbach thinks they'll just stay the same. It's a bit deeper than that, but you get the gist.
  • Tuzenbach announces that he's resigning from the military.
  • Everyone's just hanging out in the living room. Vershinin gets a letter from his daughter. His wife has taken too many pills again.
  • He leaves, and Masha's in a sour mood. She lashes out at everyone and Natasha comically corrects her behavior in bad French. That is, comically for everyone who likes laughing at Natasha. Which is pretty much everyone.
  • Solyony and Tuzenbach have a drink. Solyony confesses that when he gets in a group, he's anxious and shy. What happened to the salt of the earth?
  • Chebutykin and Solyony have a trivial dispute over a word. Everyone's getting drunk and ornery. It's less fun than the table scene last time around.
  • Natasha whispers to Chebutykin that the carnival people aren't coming. The party disperses.
  • Chebutykin and Andrey go gambling.
  • Irina is alone with Solyony. He confesses his love for her (yeah, another one), and threatens to kill any rivals.
  • Natasha asks Irina to move out of her room so Bobik can have it.
  • The bell rings—it's Protopopov, asking if Natasha would like to go on a sleigh ride. She sure would.
  • Olga, Kulygin, and Vershinin enter. Olga's exhausted; she had to fill in for the headmistress. She's also concerned that everyone in the town is talking about Andrey's gambling.
  • Vershinin's wife is out of danger. He wants to go out, but no one is around. He leaves, as does Kulygin.
  • Natasha leaves for a sleigh ride with Protopopov, who basically everyone knows is her lover.
  • Irina repeats to herself that she wants to go to Moscow.