Time Bandits Scene 3 Summary

  • The group lands in a farmyard, and Randall does a roll call to ensure that they are all intact.
  • Kevin makes a run for it. Unfortunately, he runs right into an advancing army and a band of fleeing peasants who urge him to join them as they flee Napoleon.
  • Kevin decides to wander right into the heart of the conflict to get a good look, when the dwarves appear at his side again.
  • The little men also plan to walk right into the heart of the conflict.
  • As they all sneak into the city through a canal, the six explain that they are criminals who plan to commit a robbery as the city falls into turmoil.
  • The group finds Napoleon (Ian Holm) siting at the theater and taking great delight in the Punch and Judy show on stage.
  • Napoleon's commanders comfort his fragile ego until a stray bullet kills the puppeteer…which sometimes happens in a war.
  • The frantic stage manager (Charles McKeown) rushes to find another act to replace the puppet show. Napoleon is not amused by the cavalcade of pathetic performers until the six little men emerge and interrupt the stage manager's plan to kill himself.
  • The six step out onto the stage and sing a very bad version of "Me and My Shadow."
  • The performance quickly devolves into a vicious slap fight, which seems to be a regular thing for these guys.
  • The stage manager decides that suicide is best until Napoleon walks backstage to congratulate all on their marvelous performances.
  • Napoleon is thrilled with the little men and dismisses his generals—who keep blathering on about accepting surrender and other non-entertaining things—replacing them with Kevin and the dwarves.