Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"The fact is, 100 percent of you will still be alive, just in a divided state." (1.2.64)

How is this possible? Is this something that is scientific fact in this world, or do you think they just say it make people feel better?

Quote #2

"I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless." (1.2.96)

This is quite the rationalization for unwinding from an unwind. Do you think Samson actually believes this? If the whole "still alive, in a divided state" thing is true, we can see why someone might believe this.

Quote #3

"It's better than going through life without knowing your purpose." (1.7.13)

Lev makes a decent point here, though we loathe to admit it. How many books are about characters trying to find their life's purpose? Lev has the convenience of knowing his…even if it is to die at 13.