Midge (Barbara Bel Geddes)’s Timeline and Summary

Midge (Barbara Bel Geddes)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Tells Scottie that only "another emotional shock" will cure him of acrophobia.
  • Helps Scottie when he faints after climbing stepladders in her apartment in a half-joking attempt to get used to heights.
  • Helps Scottie get more background information on Carlotta Valdes, referring him to Pop Liebel, a local expert on history.
  • Begs Scottie to tell her what's going on but is kept in the dark.
  • Guesses what's going on anyway.
  • Sees Madeleine leave Scottie's apartment and watches Scottie chase after her. Figures the two of them have become lovers.
  • Tries to parlay her jealousy into a joke by painting a portrait of herself as Carlotta Valdes, modeled on the painting that Madeleine stares at in the Legion of Honor.
  • Is bitterly disappointed and beats herself up when Scottie, offended and in love with Madeleine as Midge suspects, doesn't like the joke at all.
  • Visits Scottie in the psych ward after Madeleine's death.
  • Plays music for him—Mozart—and tries to cheer him up to no avail.
  • Tells Scottie's doctor that he was in love with the woman he has lost, barely keeping back tears.