Bill Bryson Timeline & Summary


Bill Bryson Timeline & Summary

  • Bryson stumbles across a path to the Appalachian Trail and decides to hike it.
  • He brings his old friend, Stephen Katz, along and they head to Georgia.
  • They start hiking the AT, and it's super-tough.
  • After a few weeks, the men realize that they can't hike the entire thing. So they decide to take a car to Virginia to skip a difficult section of the hike.
  • Bryson continues climbing alone, as Katz has to return home to start a new job.
  • Bryson doesn't enjoy these experiences much, but eventually makes his way up to Maine.
  • Katz rejoins Bryson. After a few days on the trail, Bryson realizes that Katz, an ex-alcoholic, started drinking again.
  • They make up on the AT, but Katz goes missing.
  • Bryson doesn't find him until the next day. They decide to leave the trail for good.