The War of 1812 Statistics

The War of 1812 Statistics

By the Numbers

Number of soldiers in the British Army in 1812: 243,885
Number of British soldiers stationed in Canada in 1812: 6,000
Number of soldiers in the United States Army in 1812: 7,0001

Approximate number of seaworthy battleships in the British Navy in 1812: 500
Approximate number of seaworthy British battleships stationed in the Western Hemisphere in 1812: 80
Approximate number of seaworthy battleships in the American Navy in 1812: 122

Number of British casualties suffered in the Battle of New Orleans: 2,036
Number of American casualties suffered in the Battle of New Orleans: 213

Americans killed in the War of 1812: 1,877
Americans wounded in the War of 1812: 4,0004

Total American military expenditures during the War of 1812: $93 million
Total federal government borrowing during the War of 1812: $80 million5

Value of imports allowed to enter Virginia in 1814 while blockaded by the British: $4,000
Value of imports allowed to enter Massachusetts's in 1814 while blockaded by the British: $1.6 million.6