Watchmen Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Watchmen? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which newspaper is most buddy-buddy with the Ku Klux Klan?

New York Gazette
Nova Express
New Frontiersman
Berkeley Barb
Q. What journalist (or pair of journalists) flies down to Karnak for an exclusive interview with Adrian Veidt, and later accuses Dr. Manhattan of causing cancer?

Rush Limbaugh
Woodward and Bernstein
Doug Roth
Q. At the end of Watchmen, why does Veidt simultaneously watch dozens of TV newscasts from around the world?

He loves learning about the weather
The Olympics is underway, and he wants to know who won the gold in gymnastics
It is the only way he can find out if his plan for world peace has succeeded
Commercials in other languages crack him up
Q. Which secret does Sally Jupiter not reveal in her 1976 Probe interview?

At least three original members of the Minutemen were gay
The Comedian once sexually assaulted her
She was Marilyn Monroe’s stunt and body double
Her daughter Laurie is the next Silk Spectre
Q. Of the following headlines, which is actually from the New Frontiersman?

Honor Is Like The Hawk: Sometimes It Must Go Hooded
How Sick Is Dick? After Third Presidential Heart-Op
Scooby Dooby Doo: Where Are You?