Way of the Peaceful Warrior Theme of Perseverance

We've all seen sports movies where the athlete makes a comeback after a devastating injury, right? Way of the Peaceful Warrior puts a different spin on that familiar spiel. This time, the athlete wins a gymnastics championship but then essentially says "meh" and quits the sport. What could explain this?

The book's guru, Socrates, offers the unusual advice that one should give up searching for meaning and pursuing goals. At the same time, he teaches that discipline and focus are required to become a truly happy individual.

Questions About Perseverance

  1. How does persevering help a peaceful warrior or somebody trying to become one? Are there instances when perseverence is actually a hindrance?
  2. How does Way of the Peaceful Warrior, with Dan's gymnastics training, fit in with the stories of other real or fictional athletes? How is his struggle to overcome his leg injury like or unlike other athletes' struggles?
  3. Where might Dan's persistence come from? In other words, what factors might motivate him to persevere in the face of obstacles?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The ability to persevere, to become disciplined, is crucial for reaching enlightenment and unreasonable happiness.

The instruction to persevere and become disciplined is overrated. It can, for instance, make people feel unreasonable guilt for not being good enough.