What Maisie Knew Chapter XIV Summary

  • Mrs. Beale lets it slip that she and Sir Claude have been seeing each other, and Maisie reveals that she has already heard this from Mrs. Wix.
  • Sir Claude says that Mrs. Wix has been hoping that Mrs. Beale will "spare" him—meaning go without him for Maisie's sake (XIV.22).
  • Mrs. Beale says no way.
  • Maisie reveals a remarkable—and somewhat alarming—ability to understand the ins and outs of adult intrigue and odd marital arrangements.
  • She still doesn't see, though, what the big deal is about Sir Claude and Mrs. Beale.
  • But, by this time, it's clear to the reader that the two are having an affair. Remember, this was even more scandalous in James's day than it is now.
  • Mrs. Beale and Sir Claude praise Maisie's character, and she praises theirs back.
  • Mrs. Beale then promises to start taking Maisie to classes where she'll learn art and French literature and all kinds of other things.
  • Though thrilled at the prospect of finally getting to go to school and do some real learning, Maisie still worries about Mrs. Wix, but Sir Claude promises to take care of her.