Why We Broke Up Chapter 22 Summary

  • Min lets Ed (and us) in on a little secret: The reason this letter is so long is because she and Al stopped at their favorite coffee place. Min loves the espresso there so much that she drinks it black, without three sugars and extra cream.
  • Min has lugged the breakup box into the coffee shop to continue working on the letter. Up next: a bottle of Pensieri, an obscure liquor.
  • Flashback to the afternoon after Min left Joan and Ed to their "family thing." Min showers and calls Al.
  • Min begs Al to watch movies later, but Al is annoyed because Min has blown him off before, and now she just assumes he's not doing anything on a Saturday night.
  • Well, to be fair, Al doesn't have anything to do. Still, it's the principle of the matter.
  • They agree to watch a movie. Min goes over to Al's, where he has some snacks waiting. And by snacks, we mean polenta, lamb chops, and asparagus. Hey, Al—call us sometime, okay?
  • Al sets about making fizzy Italian lemonade with mint. Did we mention Al is perfect?
  • Al asks Min about Ed, but while Min wants to tell him everything, she holds back. For the moment, anyway.
  • They grab their plates and start the movie. The movie's bad, though, and Al and Min argue about whether or not to turn it off. They're acting like an old married couple again.
  • Now they're cleaning up the mess from dinner. Min decides she's going to ask Al about sex, and Al says he needs a beer—he seems stressed out.
  • Min admits she's thinking about having sex with Ed. She's worried about what people will think, though.
  • Al evades Min's questions. He says he has no opinion about the matter, but he clearly thinks it's too soon.
  • Min says she's in love with Ed, and then spills her plans about the birthday party for Lottie Carson.
  • Al is much more enthusiastic about the party than he is about Min having sex with Ed.
  • Min says the party is on the day of her two-month anniversary with Ed, and Al advises her not to share this info with Ed. Of course, Min already has.
  • Min tells Al he's her only hope for the Pensieri, the weird liquor for the cookie recipe. They decide to go pick some up at the shop that Al's dad owns.
  • At the shop, Al asks Min why they've never talked about sex before. He confesses that he thought her last boyfriend was a jerk.
  • Min had no idea that Al didn't like her ex. At the time, Al said he had no opinion—and he's been saying the same thing about Ed lately. Hmm… do you think Al doesn't like Ed?
  • Min and Al get have a blowout argument at the shop. It's very dramatic, and Min winds up stomping off and taking the bus home.
  • The next morning, Ed calls Min and asks her to come over.
  • When she arrives at his place, he seems agitated.
  • Turns out he's really mad at Joan for sending Min home the day before. Joan told Ed that he is moving too fast with Min.
  • Ed doesn't care what Joan thinks, though, or what anyone thinks because he's in L-O-V-E.
  • That's right: Ed confesses his love to Min. She says she loves him back, and they kiss for a while.
  • They take a break from kissing after falling off the couch. Min wants to try the Pensieri.
  • The Pensieri is gross, so Ed spits it all over his clothes, which he promptly takes off.
  • The kissing break is over, it seems, as Min rips off her shirt, too.
  • Min wears Ed's thrift store coat home to hide the ripped shirt. She puts the bottle of Pensieri in her pocket.