Our speaker is… well, some dude. Actually, it's probably Ted Hughes himself. Technically, he doesn't say, "Hi—I'm Ted Hughes" (or even that he's male), and it's never a good idea to mix-up your speakers and your poets. Poets, in their tricky way, often "speak" as characters in their works. Even if you see an "I," that poet might be talking as someone else. (We told you they were tricky.) Then again, there's no evidence in the poem that the speaker's not Ted Hughes.

Whoever this fella is, we can say more certainly that he doesn't live alone. He has people or a person living in his house with him—probably his family members, since he speaks of them using the first-person plural "we." We also don't know what age he is—he might even be a kid. Speculating recklessly, we could argue that it's the young Ted Hughes, and the natural scenery is from his boyhood Yorkshire home, which inspired him so much.

At the end of the day, in the poem itself we only really see our speaker walk around the side of the house and feel the awesome force of the wind. That moment, though, tell us a lot about this person. For starters, we know that he's got first-hand, up-close-and-personal experience with the wind he's describing. As well, we can say that the more surreal descriptions of this powerful wind are coming to us through his own unusual sensibility.