The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh The House at Pooh Corner: Chapter 10 Summary

In Which Christopher Robin and Pooh Come to an Enchanted Place, and We Leave Them There

  • Christopher Robin is going away.
  • Everybody knows it. Nobody knows how they know it, or why he's leaving. But they know it's coming.
  • So Rabbit calls a meeting of all the creatures in the forest. A "rissolution" he calls it, which is a creative way of spelling "resolution." Always a bit of humor, even in times of great sadness. Whew. Thank you, A.A. Milne.
  • The meeting is held at Eeyore's house.
  • Eeyore's actually written a poem to mark the occasion—the first poem or song that was not written by Pooh.
  • In the poem, Eeyore writes about how difficult it is to write poetry. We agree, our donkey friend. Oh do we ever agree.
  • But the gist of the poem is that it's a goodbye to Christopher Robin, with love, from the animals of the Hundred Acre Wood.
  • The rissolution, it turns out, is that they all sign the poem. So they do.
  • On to CR's house.
  • Nobody really wants to say anything at first, because goodbyes are hard. But eventually Eeyore takes the lead.
  • He hands CR the poem, but leaves before he can finish reading it.
  • Everyone else starts to leave too, and by the time CR is finished, only Pooh is left.
  • Why do they leave? Well, we'll get into that analysis later on.
  • CR folds the poem up and puts it in his pocket, and bids Pooh come along with him.
  • Where? We're not sure yet.
  • Along the way, CR asks what Pooh likes best in the world.
  • After much pondering, Pooh decides that his favorite thing is going with Piglet to visit Christopher Robin, and CR offering them a little snack, and it being the kind of day that makes you want to write a song.
  • What CR likes best is doing nothing. Exactly what he means by this is something we'll also get into later.
  • They walk along doing nothing together, until they come to the enchanted place, a circle of trees with plush grass carpeting.
  • CR suddenly starts to tell Pooh about all sorts of things: history things, math things, science things, geography things.
  • He tells Pooh about knights.
  • Naturally, Pooh would like to be grand like a knight.
  • So naturally, CR knights Pooh in a kingly way.
  • They go back to doing nothing, and Pooh creates a confused amalgamation of all the information CR has told him.
  • He realizes then that CR will want to tell him more things, which CR will learn wherever he's going, and that this will be very confusing for a bear of very little brain.
  • Just as Pooh is realizing that CR won't be telling him so much anymore, CR starts talking some more.
  • He says he won't be doing nothing anymore. "They" don't let you.
  • They both realize that this is the end, but they make a pact to always be able to see each other in this enchanted place.
  • Pooh promises that he'll never forget Christopher Robin.
  • CR says something a bit cryptic that implies he won't always be able to remember Pooh, at least not in the way he thinks of him now.
  • But that's the future.
  • For now, they hold hands and go off together.
  • Milne (the narrator) ends the book with a much wider perspective, telling us that whatever happens to them (e.g. growing up), in that enchanted place in the forest there will always be a little boy and his bear playing together.