Witch and Wizard Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

How Dad always said he had to be our father, not our friend—and that there was an important distinction between the two—but somehow he ended up being our best friend anyway. (15.7)

Most teenagers aren't best friends with their dads, so we're going to go out on a limb and say Mr. Allgood is awesome.

Quote #2

Whit didn't think he was special, but his words and his touch were like a magic bullet of strength. I could breathe now. "Love, you too," I whispered. "More than I ever knew before." (19.8)

Whit and Wisty draw on each other for emotional strength and physical strength. Later in the book, Whit shares his powers with Wisty so she can turn Judge Unger into a roach. Go team.

Quote #3

Plus, it seemed so obvious to me now: Whit was a great brother. I wished that it wouldn't have taken a New Order hellhole to prove that one to me. (39.3)

Nothing brings a family together like sharing a prison cell. That'll teach these two not to pester each other and bicker.