With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies! Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Sidney was the Renaissance equivalent of Tiger Woods, or Michael Jordan, or Ray Lewis—any awesome athlete. He was an excellent horse rider, and always conducted himself well in tournaments (you know, court events with jousting and all that stuff). (Source.)

It sounds like even in death Sidney was thinking of his one-time love interest, Lady Penelope Devereux. Shortly before he died of a bullet-wound he remarked, "There came to my remembrance a vanity wherein I had taken delight, whereof I had not rid myself. It was the Lady Rich [Penelope Devereux's married name]." (Source.)

Supposedly it wasn't very, ahem, gentlemanly, to publish one's works to earn money back in the day. This is why Sidney never really published any of his stuff while he was alive. (Source.)