Duty Quotes in A Wizard of Earthsea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There was not much work to be got out of Duny. He was always off and away… (1.3)

Here's Ged as a child (he was called Duny back then). We already know that he's proud and easy to anger, and now we see that he would rather play than work. In other words, he's kind of an ordinary kid.

Quote #2

They knew him and did him honor by the Prince's order and their own will, for ten years ago Ogion had saved the city from earthquake… (2.55)

Ogion might be the most powerful wizard on Gont, and since he's the most powerful wizard on Gont, he has some responsibilities to the people and the island. Most of the time that means that he visits people and heals the sick, but here we learn that he's also cast really powerful spells that have helped everyone.

Quote #3

To check the ungoverned spell and drive off the shadow from Ged, Nemmerle had spent all his power, and with it his bodily strength was gone. He lay dying. (4.61)

Nemmerle is like the best school principal ever – not only does he make Ged feel comfortable, but he also sacrifices his life so Ged can survive. Now, you might think that's a little excessive of Nemmerle, but, if you think about it, Nemmerle is just fulfilling his duty as caretaker of the students. That's an A+ caretaker, if we've ever seen one.