Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In

One of the most important factors determining your chance at starting a successful acupuncture practice is belief in what you're doing. No, we're not talking about how little Timmy was able to make that cross-court three-pointer buzzer shot because his Aunt June told him to believe in himself during halftime. We mean that you must actually, factually believe that acupuncture works and traditional Chinese medicine has the right idea.

Since this is not a commonly held belief (at least in the United States), many students with that healin' feelin' will take more traditional routes to practice medicine, leaving you with a large niche market and not a ton of competition. Getting your state-required certification is going to make it very easy to find a place in an alternative medicine clinic, and if you're good with clients, you'll have ample opportunities to begin your own practice soon after.