Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Ride Share Driver. Salary: $20,000 or less

You have your own car, so what should you do? How about make a little money off of it. You start building your experience with one of them fancy taxi-wannabe applications. Your customer service skills grow, as do your customer tolerance skills.


Novice Chauffeur. Salary: $25,000

You're still driving the same places you were doing rideshares, only the car is a lot bigger, isn't yours, and is filled with people who look at you as the help. At least you're getting paid more.


Seasoned Chauffeur. Salary: $35,000

After making it through your first few years, you've now built a niche as a knowledgeable, friendly, and dependable driver. You get the better clients and the bigger gigs, and might even be able to hire a professional to clean the interiors.


Personal Chauffeur. Salary: $50,000

You've given up the life of an on-call livery driver to become the full-time employee of a high-toned and fancy-to-do individual. Upside: No more bachelorette vomit to clean. Downside: Your client gets carsick easily.


Company Owner. Salary: $100,000+

You've been able to turn your knowledge of livery services and personal high-roller relationships into a stable, successful transportation service with a fleet of vehicles all your own. You might even have your own chauffeur now. Don't forget to tip.