Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Deck Hand. Salary: Room and board 

You're the low man on the totem pole and it basically feels like your title should be janitor...but you're down for the challenge if it means realizing your dream. Now swab that deck, sailor—your future pay depends on it.


Boatswain. Salary: $35,000 

Having proven yourself a capable deck hand, you're now a legit member of the crew. The more seasoned sailors still might push you around a little, but you can feel the respect growing, along with your wages. Keep at it for a while longer and you'll actually be able to live (on land) on your wage.


Third Officer. Salary: $40,970 

After years of refining those maritime skills, you're finally one of the top sailors on board. While you've only seen a slight increase in pay, you feel secure and settled in your role as third deck officer. There's even a new boatswain coming to you for advice on his career.


Chief Deck Officer. Salary: $54,000 

Look who's giving the orders now. You're working your way up the nautical food chain and it feels so good. Just remember, with power comes responsibility. If Sammy the Sailor gets drunk and falls into the sea while trying to reenact a scene from Titanic, guess who the company's coming to with questions. Better keep a tight ship, officer.


Captain. Salary: $100,000 

The hat was meant for you, our seafaring Shmooper. Now that you're the captain, you can run things the way you've always imagined. All those years of climbing the ladder have you prepared for the challenges ahead and, what's more, the crew has confidence in your ability to lead them. What could be better than that? Oh yeah, the awesome new paycheck certainly sweetens the deal.