Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Virtual Analyst. Salary: $40,090 or less 

You recently transitioned from being a real estate agent to being a credit analyst specializing in real estate, opting to handle clients online instead of taking a full-time office job. You're on video conferences so often that you're thinking about taking a second job as a Skype bandwidth analyst. Your schedule is crazy, but hey, you work from home. At least you only have to dress the top half of your body.


Face-to-Face Analyst. Salary: $50,070 

You work for the local branch of a big bank, spending your days meeting with potential clients and advising them as best as you can on large purchases. Sometimes you wonder if a robot will ever replace you. You're thinking yes, but you rather like robots, so maybe it doesn't quite bother you as much as it should. Oh well, you have at least another twenty years before you have to worry about that.


Investment Firm Analyst. Salary: $75,970 

They apply, you run the numbers, they rejoice or complain. You're now five years into this job and it's a cycle with which you're more than familiar. Fortunately for your mental health, at least some of the proposals that cross your desk still feel like a puzzle to solve. You're not sure how long the feeling will last, but you're crossing your fingers that it's at least until you're promoted.


Government Analyst. Salary: $91,330 

Too big to fail? Not if you have anything to do with it. It's not the typical job of a credit analyst, but you do the same thing as your commercial counterparts: look at the books, suggest the interest. You keep your involvement in the financial crisis of 2008 to yourself.


In House Analyst. Salary $126,050 

When millions of dollars are on the line, companies don't leave large-scale borrowing up to chance. That's when they call you to run reports on their own "lendability" before they let the investment firms have a crack at it. If knowledge is power, you're a super hero...and also highly susceptible to bouts of intense exaggeration.