
There's a great quote from a famous dredge operator. He said...wait, sorry. There are no famous dredge operators. Outside of your own family, you'll be known only as "they" to curious residents from shore. As in, "What are they doing out there? Are they stuck?"

Oh, sure, you can get your name in the paper and face on TV. Just swing the silt cannon away from the berm you're building and over to the mayor's house. Then you'll see how fast the press comes knocking on your door. (Disclaimer: don't do that.)

On second thought, perhaps there's a better way to seek fame in this field. After all, didn't we mention earlier that there are no famous dredge operators? That means no competition. You can be the first to glamorize the art of dredging using your social media savvy and relentless grassroots marketing, until one day you star in your own reality TV show. They'll call it Judd Dredge. (Note: you may have to change your name to Judd.)