
Work on a dredger is far from glamorous. Work, eat, sleep, repeat.

But the results of that hard work can certainly be considered glorious. Think of what a disaster it'd be if world commerce came to a complete standstill. Now picture yourself decked out in wrap-around sunglasses, a half-buttoned flannel shirt, well-worn jeans, and work boots, working hard to keep that commerce ship chugging along. To complete the image, play your favorite adrenaline-pumping hit in the background.

Against that backdrop, dredging out port after port across the nation feels pretty important, doesn't it?

Dredged material can be used to create wildlife preserves, like this adorable nesting spot. (Source)

Other dredging jobs do double duty―deepen a waterway and use the collected material to create wildlife habitats, restore beaches, or even build entire islands. You probably won't have the opportunity to go ashore and enjoy your new creations, but as you fly off to your next job you can fall asleep with images in your head of the people (or animals) enjoying the fruits of your labor.