
Sadly for you (though, perhaps not the rest of us), things such as super-powered mutants, genetically modified dinosaurs, and biologically unstable super soldiers are almost exclusively the realm of fiction. No, chances are, the field of genetics is not going to land you at the front of a supercharged test tube army on its way to storm the capital. So, sorry.

Many geneticists, however, manage to have a great effect on the lives of others in more...positive ways. Researchers can lay the foundation work of new treatments and medications for people with hereditary disease. Counselors can identify genetic risk, so that people can take preemptive actions. Heck, you might even find yourself accidentally responsible for another installment of Tomb Raider.

Of course, you're mainly on the research side as opposed to the execution side, so a lot of the potential "power" of your discoveries will rest in the hands of others. Still, you're on the same team, and what you discover will affect what they're able to do, making you at least somewhat responsible for the outcome. It's all in how you choose to look at it.