
Do yourself a favor: get organized. A lot of patients sixty-five and up have to take multiple medications for various issues. It's up to you to ensure that there aren't any drug interactions that could harm them. Accidents or complications with elderly patients can be much worse than with a spry twenty-something-year-old. You may not have to run back and forth in an ER screaming about how someone's leg is falling off, but you'll have some heavy responsibility on your hands.

At the same time, there are some things that are just out of your hands. Some patients, especially older ones, might not make it. This is a harsh truth for any doctor, but especially for a geriatrician who has to be so invested in the well-being of their patients. This aspect of the job can really take a toll on doctors, so it's important to find a way to grieve when the inevitable happens and to take care of your own emotional health.