20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

If we haven't sufficiently rammed it into your head yet, we'll try one last time: America's adults are getting old…and not dying as much. In fact, it's estimated that by the year 2050, over twenty percent of America's population will be sixty-five or older, as opposed to now, where the population of sixty-five and up is estimated to be about thirteen percent (source). That's a lot of people. A fifth of the population will be in the target market for your practice in the next thirty years (source). 

You know what that means? Hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics are going to need your expertise—and fast. Even though the medical field hasn't necessarily locked in on the importance of geriatrics, it will become apparent when all sixty million of the baby boomers need geriatric services.

Like most doctor-y jobs, this is one that needs a human's touch. No matter how great technology gets, robo-doctors are still pretty far off. Like at least forty years. Probably.

With the abundant supply of elderly folks and a complete lack of the risk of automation, you'll be sitting pretty in this line of work for many years to come.