20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

Yeesh, you may want to keep your day job, because jewelry design is in brutal decline right now. While most jobs are on the rise, jewelry design is projected to decline ten percent by 2022 (source). 

If you keep trying to better yourself (not just your personality—which may need some work—but also your jeweling skills), you'll be way more employable as the industry starts to decline. As long as you keep up with the new developments in technology and are willing to spend most of your time doing repairs (bummer), there'll always be some demand for jewelry.

So, if you're so into jewelry that you're absolutely, a-thousand-percent sure you want to get into the bedazzling business, go for it. If you're not so sure, and this is one career among others you're considering, maybe check out a few other career profiles before dumping your savings into a laser etching machine. This job will be around in twenty years, but it won't be as widespread.