Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In

Breaking into broadcast journalism isn't exactly hard, per se, but there's a methodology to it. No one, and we mean no one comes out of college and instantly turns into Anderson Cooper. And yes, despite what your standard understanding of space, time, and reality tells you, that includes Anderson Cooper.

If you want to be a recognized TV reporter (or at least one who makes more than $38,000 per year), then you have to start small and work your way up. If you live in a big city, you're going to need to downgrade and get into a small town where you can get your feet wet before you can earn your way back to civilization. 

It's going to be a tough road and the market is shrinking, so you may want to start hedging your bets by developing other skills.

Is becoming a professional and successful TV reporter doable? Yes. Is it likely you'll become successful and famous along the way? We can't be so staunchly affirmative in answering that one.