Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Marketing Account Executive. Salary: $45,000 

You spent over six years learning the principles of marketing and cramming for MBA tests. Now you're a hotshot young account executive and that MBA is really starting to pay off—you've been responsible for several successful marketing campaigns. In your spare time, you experiment with barbecue sauce creations to go with your awesome roasted chicken recipe.


Marketing Director. Salary: $70,000 

Several years of stellar success leads your boss to tap you to replace her as Marketing Director when she's promoted to VP. She continues to mentor you, recognizing your potential to rise into the executive management ranks.


CEO, Pretty Poultry Farms, Inc. Salary: $350,000 

Realizing your passion for chicken is the key to propelling you to the top, you accept a position as VP of Marketing at Pretty Poultry Farms. Good move. Your insight and instincts lead you to direct massively successful marketing campaigns that increase the company's market share. A promotion to Chief Operating Officer follows, and a few years later, CEO. You publish a book on barbecue sauce and chicken recipes, adding a personal touch that identifies Pretty Poultry Farms as "the people's chicken" (which was also a turn of phrase you suggested).


CEO, Lucky Cluck Farms. Salary: $2,500,000 plus performance bonuses

You built Pretty Poultry Farms into a standout brand, but the cutthroat poultry business reared its ugly head and you ended up bought out by Lucky Cluck Farms, the biggest name in the biz. That's okay though—they kept you on in an executive role with a higher salary. After two years of successful marketing campaigns you orchestrate an impressive coup and claim the top spot in the company. The (former) head honcho at Lucky Cluck forgot to do his research; "cutthroat" is your middle name.


Poultry Consultant, Author, and Guru. Salary: $1,000,000 

You retire from day-to-day activities but continue as a consultant for the company. In addition to speaking engagements, you find time to write a best-selling book on poultry strategy and vision. Soon you're recognized around the world as the pre-eminent poultry guru. You never thought that's what people would call you...but hey, it stuck.