
Average Salary: $35,800

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $1,494,578

The average hourly pay for roofers is between $17 and $18 per hour, which comes out to about $35,760 per year (source). However, roofers typically work by the job, not by the hour, so these figures might be a little misleading. When the weather is good enough, roofers work unusually long hours to finish as many jobs as possible. That way, when the weather sours, they've banked some extra bucks to get them by.

Solar panels don't have to worry about sunstroke. (Source)

While $35,760 a year may not sound like big bucks, that's about the same starting pay as teachers who've spent four years in college. If you can't stand the idea of going back to school once you graduate high school, being a roofer offers steady pay and steady work. The work is hard, and often hot, but at least you'll be outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Some manufacturing jobs are just as hot, and they leave you stuck inside all day. So there's that.

The weather is a big factor in how much you can earn per year doing roofing work. If you live and work in the south or southwest, for example, you'll have a much longer working season and be able to earn more. If you're in a place that features inclement weather more often than not, follow the example set by some roofers and do some general contracting work on the side. 

You may need to learn some other skills like painting or putting up sheet rock, but those extra skills mean you can work anytime. They also mean expanding your bank account. And trust us: an expanded bank account comes in handy.