Bell Curve

Bell Curve


The Tailor's Apprentice. Salary: $12,000 or less 

You couldn't find a typical apprenticeship. But you found the next-best thing—you're working for your best friend's neighbor's aunt. It's better than nothing, even if her penchant for waving her arms around while talking has almost lead to you being stabbed several times.


Kitty Costume Designer. Salary: $20,000 

You've got a small Etsy store where you ply your trade as a tailor for cats. Products available on your site include little leather booties and smart jackets for the sophisticated kitty. You only have one customer, but thankfully this cat lady's also a really big spender.


Nimble with a Thimble. Salary: $27,000 

You left your part-time adjusting job at a dry-cleaner for a full-time one at a department store. The pay's a little better, and since your clientele has expanded from the little old ladies and cigar-friendly older men you're used to, the atmosphere's much improved. Goodbye stinky used clothing and hello designer duds.


Independent Tailor. Salary: $35,000 

You've built up your portfolio, you're self-employed, and you're about to tailor your first wedding dress, which just so happens to be a hundred-year-old family heirloom. The bride's mother and circle of bridesmaids watch with bated breath as you carefully readjust the dress to fit the wearer. It's hard to tell who's blushing more, you or the bride.


Courtier to the Stars. Salary: $50,000 

As you watch the red carpet ceremony on E!, you're overjoyed to see your superstar client walking in the custom-made suit you tailored yourself. When he actually mentions you by name, your cell rings off the hook. You're ready to take any and all new business. Of course, the first call you receive is from mom, but everyone else will be there when you get back to them.