
Average Salary: $396,233

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $16,541,935

Your career may be in the toilet (sorry, that was a low blow), but your salary certainly isn't. You're a specialized type of doctor and that means making six-figures without breaking a sweat. If you're only making $187,000 a year, you aren't doing that well in this particular specialty—that's how good urologists have it (source). 

Your pay varies, obviously, based on where you live, how long you've worked, and your skills, but $187,000 per year is still the low end of the spectrum. That being said, if you whine about your $187,000 per year salary, you're still a jerk.

With regard to the upper limits of your salary, just look up into the sky and imagine a pile of dollars stretching up as far as you can see. Like, to the height of $619,000 per year (source). $396,233 is the median wage of urologists, so 50% of urologists make more than that. Not a bad price to pay for the inevitable bathroom jokes you'll hear when someone asks what you do for a living at cocktail parties (source). 

As a urologist, you may have an erratic schedule for patients who need emergency care—holidays and weekends are not out of the question—but you're basically making ten bucks every time you inhale.