Driving and Your Cell (Phone, Not AP Bio)

Driving and Your Cell (Phone, Not AP Bio)


Listen up. Do not use your cell phone while driving.

One more time. Do not use your cell phone while driving. Alabama discourages it, and uh, hey, even the cool kid, does, too. (That's us, guys.)

If you want to keep up with your group chat, have Mom drive and you sit in the passenger seat. If you're not driving, gab away all you want. If you have to use your phone, use a hands-free device for a call or pull off safely.

Bottom line? Cell phones are the biggest distractors, and distracted driving is a recipe for disaster.

Let's put some stats on this. You're 2 to 3 times more likely to hit some innocent person on the road if you're taking on the phone or texting—a.k.a. not looking at the road—while you're driving.

Exceptions: some medical emergency, you're calling the cops on someone, or some other obvious kind of exception. See a fire or an explosion? Call the fire department. Duh.