Tax Fraud

Why does the public opinion hate tax fraud so much? Because the rest of us paid our taxes, and because it’s kinda like pre-stealing from the government, who uses that money from everything from defense to schooling to roads. But let’s leave the kids out of this one…

Tax fraud is when someone (a person or corporation, because the Supremes decided corporations are people too) knowingly writes false information on their tax return in such a way that limits the amount of taxes they must pay. The classic (stereotypical?) tax fraud case is someone conveniently “forgetting” about their offshore account. Yet, there’s a zillion other ways you can commit tax fraud, and you don’t have to be rich to do it. Maybe you got paid for a side project or helping out a relative, and reported it as a “gift” rather than as taxable income. Shame! Shame! Shame! (but really...just be careful out there, folks.)

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