Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In


10K Freestyle in 40 minutes

Ouch. Are you skiing with a backpack full of bricks or something? Are you competing in molasses? We're thinking you should probably pursue this sport as a hobby, if you know what we mean.


10K Freestyle in 35 minutes

You're not the top of your high school ski team, but you probably aren't at the bottom either. So that's all good. But with these types of numbers, your career as an NCAA athlete is looking pretty bleak.


10K Freestyle in 33 minutes

Okay, not bad…but not great either. With some hard training and good grades, these numbers can work. Make friends with the coach and maybe you've got a shot. Baking chocolate chip cookies seems to work pretty well. Or so we've been told…


10K Freestyle in 29 minutes

You're probably a pretty solid high school skier—maybe even a big-shot on your team, right? The NCAA is a different story, though. You won't be setting any school records with these times, so hit the books and keep training.


10K Freestyle in 25 minutes or under

Odds are you've been doing this whole "skiing" thing for a long time. Either that, or you're some type of mutant athlete-freak who excels in any athletic endeavor. Clearly, you're a top-tier competitor ready to take on the big boys. But don't get too cocky—nothing is a sure thing. So keep practicing, improving, and pushing yourself to stay at the top.