Odds of Hanging On

Odds of Hanging On


10K Freestyle in 40 minutes

We hope your grades are better than your freestyle times. But hey, at least you can tell people you were a collegiate athlete. There's a silver lining…


10K Freestyle in 35 minutes

You're probably not headed to the next Winter Olympics with this time. Oh well. Keep with it and maybe you can move up next year with something better.


10K Freestyle in 33 minutes

Don't quit your day job. Or in this case, maybe do quit your day job (if you've somehow managed to find the time for one) so you have more time to practice and study. Hit the gym regularly and stay in good standing with the coach. You're not quite there yet, but at the same time, not too far.


10K Freestyle in 29 minutes

You're probably sitting pretty, but you aren't at the top of your team. You aren't exactly in danger of being cut from the team, but there's always room for improvement, right? Of course we're right. We're always right. Shhh. It's okay.


10K Freestyle in under 25 minutes

Okay, so you're not a benchwarmer—big deal. Actually, you are a pretty big deal. As the star of your team, your spot on the roster is far from being in jeopardy. But remember, everybody wants to throw rocks at the crown, so stay on your toes, ya bigshot.