1984 Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around 1984? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Big Brother symbolize?

A benevolent Party
Control of human behavior
The importance of family ties
Healthy family dynamics
Q. Emmanuel Goldstein is __________.

The treasurer of Oceana
The Party leader
A Jewish guy from the Bronx
A clever tool of the Party
Q. Why does Winston drink and smoke cigarettes?

He chooses to because they're fun hobbies.
He likes how the brands of alcohol and cigarettes have "Victory" in their names.
He's been assigned these 'vices.'
He learned the habit from his dad.
Q. Why don't the Proles rebel against the Party?

They aren't smart enough.
There are too few of them.
They're happy and contented.
There's nothing to rebel against.
Q. What's up with the red-armed woman?

She helps Winston accept his place in the Party.
She cleans Winston's apartment for him.
She also had a blue arm that nobody's seen.
She sings songs and represents freedom.