Jon Snow Timeline & Summary


Jon Snow Timeline & Summary

  • Jon joins Commander Mormont and two hundred Night's Watch brothers on the Great Ranging beyond the Wall.
  • The Night's Watch find several wildling villages abandoned.
  • Eventually, they make their way to the haunted forest and Craster's Keep.
  • Craster tells Mormont that King-Beyond-the-Wall Mance Rayder has gathered the wildlings at the Frostfangs.
  • One of Craster's daughter/wives, Gilly, begs Jon to take her with the Night's Watch—she fears her child will be born a boy, and Craster will give him to the "cold gods," but Jon refuses her request.
  • Mormont and the brothers camp at the Fist of the First Men and wait for Qhorin Halfhand and his men to meet up with them.
  • Qhorin and his men do just that: He convinces Mormont to send out three scouting parties and requests Jon to join him.
  • Jon and a ranger named Stonesnake attack a wildling sentry group; Jon spares the life of a wildling named Ygritte.
  • Qhorin, Jon, and their posse push on but turn back when they are discovered by a wildling warg.
  • Qhorin forces Jon to yield to the wildlings and become a double agent.
  • To make the ruse more believable, Qhorin attacks Jon and Jon kills him.
  • Ygritte vouches for Jon. Jon joins the wildlings.