A Clash of Kings Resources


Across the Digital Sea

Here you'll find the Internet home of George R. R. Martin, a land with a bounty of information on the author's most recent projects.

Not a Blog?

Despite the name, we know a blog when we see one. And this is definitely a Martin blog.

Fiefs and Fandom

A premiere fan website dedicated to all things A Song of Ice and Fire. It lays claim to the "only author-approved" MUSH (Multi-User Shared Holodeck), a multiplayer online game where users are both players and creators simultaneously.

All Fans Must Wiki

A Wiki of Ice and Fire concentrates enough facts and theories on Martin's world that it has its own gravitational pull.


Premium Cable, Premium Show

Chances are decent even your mom watches HBO's show—for the dragons and Jon Snow.


Welcome to the Spoiler Zone

David Orr reviews the entire A Song of Ice and Fire series up to A Dance of Dragons. Enjoy his excellent analysis, but be warned: spoilers ahead, big time.

Red Versus Blue

This review of A Clash of Kings features two reviewers providing two different opinions. Which will you agree with?

Adaptation Nation

Many fans decry any changes in the movie versions to their beloved novels. Changing the tune, Charlie Jane Anders points out ten changes the HBO show made that improved on their A Clash of Kings source material.

Hook, Line, Sinker

Sam Jordison decides to start reading contemporary fantasy and chooses Martin's beast of a series. May the literary gods preserve him.

Family Matters

Jo Walton's review of A Clash of Kings reads like she is describing her family to us, both the relatives she loves and those she wouldn't invite to Thanksgiving Dinner.

Do You Believe in Magic?

Elio Garcia and Linda Antonsson consider the very subtle form magic takes in A Song of Ice and Fire. No magic words and expensive special effects here.


Face Time

Amazon.com invites Martin to answer questions posted by his fans on Facebook. Of course, he can't answer all of them…

Buy Seven Gods, Get One Free

Martin and the producers of Game of Thrones consider the religions of Westeros. It's a DVD extra worthy of the old gods and the new.

The Interview is Coming

Grace Dent discusses with Martin how fantasy allows him to escape to other worlds.

All Men Must Dialogue

Martin discusses his career, writing philosophy, and the difficulties and joys of writing the A Song of Ice and Fire series. This interview is, in a word, comprehensive.

Epic Hairdo Meet Epic Beard

Conan O'Brien interviews Martin, and they discuss how afraid you should be if you find yourself a character in a Martin novel.


GOT Theme?

The Game of Thrones HBO theme song presented in all its glory. Trust us, you'll be humming it all day.

Lannisters Always Pay Their Debts

"The Rains of Castamere" serves as the Lannisters' theme song for the show. This fan favorite appears in the novel's world, telling of Tywin's destruction of House Reyne. Check it out.

Winter is Coming

The theme song of House Stark sure does have some wintery sounding violins in it.

Mother of Dragons

Daenerys's song comes with everything you could want in a theme song. Unless you want synthpop, that is. Then you're out of luck.


Hardcover Cover

This U.S. hardcover edition features Joffrey sitting pretty on the Iron Throne. Let the reign of terror begin.

Heavy is the Head

Look familiar? This popular mass market cover tells you everything you need to know about the novel: There is a crown, and some guys will clash for it.

You Once Were Lost…

But now you totally know where you are, thanks to this handy map of Westeros.

Lannisters Versus Starks

This fan art shows the forces of Stark against the forces of Lannister about to go toe-to-toe.

Coat of Claws

The heraldry of the five kings has animals and colors aplenty.

How to Trace Your Dragon

We can't leave Dany out. Her heraldry features a three-headed dragon because, well, duh, right?

Who, What, Where, War?

If the back-and-forth of the war left you confused, this handy-dandy map shows who goes where and for what battle.

Boy Band of Westeros

So… the Weststreet Boys? This fan art depicts the five kings surrounding the Iron Throne.

Epic Win

John Howe paints the craggy shoreline of Iron Islands exactly as we picture it when we read. How about you?